Project Overview
A Planning and Preliminary Design Study was completed in June 2009, which documented improvements to the Highway 6 (Hanlon Expressway) corridor from south of Maltby Road to the Speed River (G.W.P. 3002-05-00).
This Preliminary Design Review and Detailed Design Study will be carrying forward the approved plan including:

- Upgrading of the section of Highway 6 within the study limits to a controlled access freeway;
- Replacement of the intersection at Kortright Road / Downey Road with a partial interchange (Highway 6 access to and from the south only);
- Replacement of the intersection at Stone Road with a full interchange;
- Replacement of the intersection at College Avenue with a bridge at Highway 6 (no connection to the highway);
- A new municipal connection road west of Highway 6 between Woodland Glen Drive and the new interchange at Stone Road;
- Closure of Hanlon Road south of Flanders Road; and
- Pavement rehabilitation, illumination improvements, stormwater management, drainage improvements, and utility relocations.